3 Steps to Start Your Wellness Journey

Are you starting this journey for the first time or recommitting to your wellness?

Just like you, I’ve been there! From being the fittest I’ve ever been to gaining 10lbs in graduate school, I have started many times in my wellness journey. Embarking on a wellness journey is a profound commitment to nurturing your mind, body, and soul. It's a path to greater vitality, balance, longevity, and overall well-being. I am here to guide you through the key steps and offer the motivation you need to get started!

3 Key Steps Towards Your Wellness

Starting your wellness journey is about taking small steps that will make the greatest impact. Here are 3 key steps you can take TODAY to impact your health:

  1. Set Clear Intentions

    Start by setting clear and specific intentions. Intentions are empowered emotions ready to set you in motion toward your goals.

    What do you desire to feel each day when you woke up and throughout the day? What do you hope to achieve through this journey?

    Is it more energy, better mental health, weight loss, or simply a sense of peace and balance? Having a clear intention/feelings of your goals will provide the focus and motivation you need to stay on track, especially during those days that life gets in the way. Visualize the life you want to lead, feel the joy of good health, and keep your intentions in mind. As you see positive changes and experience the benefits, your internal motivation will grow stronger.

  2. Create a Realistic Plan

    Now that you have your intentions in mind, it's time to create a practical plan. Your wellness journey is a lifestyle, not a temporary fab or solution. Start with small, achievable goals that align with your long-term vision.

    Break down those goals into small, daily actions. We get stuck when we only have the big picture without the building blocks for it.

    Schedule those goals! When you have it on your calendar and block time, it becomes a priority.

    Whether it's incorporating daily meditation, adding more veggies to your meals, or committing to regular exercise, take one step at a time.

  3. Mindful Eating

    Eating is fundamental for your body to obtain the right amount of vitamins and minerals. Focus on nourishing your body with whole, organic, unprocessed foods. Avoid foods with seed oils (canola, sunflower, or soybean) and sugars (corn syrup, fructose, or artificial sweeteners). Incorporate a variety of vegetables, proteins, fats, and fruits into your diet.

    Vegetables: broccoli, brussels sprouts, carrots

    Proteins: grass fed beef, wild caught fish, pastured raised eggs and chicken, legumes

    Fats: avocados, raw milk/yogurt/cheese, ghee

    Carbs: fruits, honey

    I never tell my clients to deprive themselves of something they love; rather, it is about making informed, conscious choices. Trust me, there are ALWAYS healthier alternatives to those foods you truly love.

I can start being happy, thriving, and healthier right now. I BELIEVE in you!